Grants and Donations

Styal Parish Council has pleasure in being able to award small grants and donations to organisations whose work benefits the Parish of Styal and its residents, and welcomes applications for funding from qualifying bodies.

Grants and Donations Fund

The total amount available for the funding of grants and donations is limited by law and, for Styal, it is of the order of £5,000 per financial year. Of this a maximum of £750 is allocated for donations.

Since the total fund is small, the Council normally considers grant applications for funding in amounts ranging between £25 and £1,500. The Council would consider grants over this amout but only under special circumstances where the applicant can illustrate a genuine need.


Grants can be applied for at any time during the year and, if approved, authorisation of payment will be made at the next Parish Council meeting.

An applicant may received less that the amount applied for, depending upon Council funds at the time of the application, or if the total amount applied for by a number of applicants exceeds the c.£5,000 total grant amount available.


A donation may be awarded to organisations whose work benefits Styal Parish and its residents

A donation is a one-off financial award which falls outside the definition for grants in Styal Parish Council’s Grants and Donations policy. For example a donation could be made towards a village party to celebrate a Royal event.

The total fund for donations is £750 per financial year and no organisation can apply for a donation exceeding £350 unless there are extenuating circumstances and the Council believes there is justification to raise the amount to £500.

Payment for an approved donation application will be authorised at the next Council meeting.

Applicants for Grants and Donations

Applications are welcomed from non-profit making organisations and charities whose aim is to benefit Styal Village and its residents.

Please note that applications from individuals cannot be considered.

Applying for a Grant

Applying for a grant or donation is simply a matter of downloading the appropriate form below, printing it and filling it in. However, the Council strongly recommends downloading the Grants and Donations Policy as it provides essential information and conditions about applications.

The form has to be returned to the Clerk but you are welcome to give it to one of the Councillors for forwarding on if it is more convenient.

Policy updated January 2024

PDF iconStyal Parish Council Grants and Donations Policy
Click to download

PDF-IconStyal Parish Council Grant Application Form
Click to download

PDF-IconStyal Parish Council Donation Application Form
Click to download

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