Styal Parish Council Meetings


The next meeting of Styal Parish Council will take place on:
Monday 19th February 2024 at 7.30pm in Earlams Log Cabin

The Agenda will be published nearer the date of the meeting

Public Participation at Meetings

There will normally be two public participation slots. A short slot near the beginning of the meeting which is intended for residents to raise issues relating to items on the Agenda and a longer slot during which residents can comment on any aspect of the meeting, Styal village and its Council or raise new topics.

Please note that outside this time slot, residents may not speak unless they are invited to do so by the Chairman.

Forthcoming Meetings

All meetings are held in Earlams Community Centre Log Cabin and commence at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated:
Monday 19th February 2024
Monday 25th March 2024
No meeting in April
Monday 13th May 2024 Annual Parish Meeting. Commences at 7.00pm
Monday 13th May 2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting. Commences at 7.30pm
Meeting dates will only change if unforeseen circumstances arise

Latest Minutes and Agendas

PDF-IconAgenda Planning Meeting | Minutes 21st November 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 16th October 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 11th September 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 17th July 2023

PDF-IconAgenda Annual Parish Council Meeting | Minutes 9th May 2023

PDF-IconAgenda Annual Parish Meeting 9th May 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 27th March 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 20th February 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 23rd January 2023

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 12th December 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 17th October 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 12th September 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 1st August 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 27th June 2022

PDF-IconAgenda Annual Parish Council Meeting | Minutes 9th May 2022

PDF-IconAgenda Annual Parish Meeting | Minutes 9th May 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 28th March 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 21st February 2022

PDF-IconAgenda | Minutes 10th January 2022

Archive Documents

Please send us a request via our contact page for soft copies of any historic minutes or agendas.

To view and download PDF files from our website, you will need Adobe Acrobat.


If you would prefer to receive hard copies of any of our literature please send us a request via our contact page.