The Neighbourhood Plan

Styal Parish Council is developing a Neighbourhood Plan and invites all Styal residents to help to make it a success

This page provides useful information about the process associated with creating a Neighbourhood Plan but please note that it is for general information only and will not be updated.

Styal Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan Subgroup has built on the efforts of previous work carried out but has taken a slightly different approach and there is now a dedicated website which provides comprehensive information about the Neighbourhood Plan and its progress.
A questionnaire has been developed and it gives Styal residents the opportunity to express their views on Styal village. The results of the questionnaire will help to form the Neighbourhood Plan. To see more, click on the link below

Styal Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Website

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

  • A neighbourhood plan gives local communities the power to shape the future development and growth of their area.
  • It allows communities to choose where new developments can be built and what they should look like.
  • It forms part of the statutory development plan and is used by the local planning authority in making decisions on planning applications.

What are the benefits of producing a neighbourhood plan?

It can:

  • Give our community greater ownership of the planning policies in our area.
  • Allow us to set out where development should go and what it should look like.
  • Bring the community together to share ideas and build consensus about the needs and priorities for Styal.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of planning.
  • Provide a detailed evidence base about Styal.
  • Develop relationships between the community and the Parish Council

We Need Your Time and Expertise

  • Give us some of your time and expertise. This could involve anything from helping us deliver leaflets, sharing your knowledge of Styal, providing  local planning and legal advice.
  • If you would like to be involved in developing the Neighbourhood Plan, please go to the Neighbourhood Plan Website for further details