Sadly, Styal Parish Council has to announce that Andrew Keay has decided to resign from the Council due to his increased business commitments. We will miss you Andrew!!

The Parish Council now has a vacancy for a Councillor and welcomes applications from people on the Electoral Roll, who work or reside in (or within 3 miles of) the village and who are interested in helping to protect the future of Styal and its community

Closing Date For Applications: 27TH OCTOBER 2023

To apply, or for further information, please contact the Clerk by phone or email:
Sue McDonald
0161 928 4677

Styal Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan Needs You!

Styal Parish Council is developing a Neighbourhood Plan which will give Styal residents the power to shape the future development and growth of the village. This means that Styal can create policies, which are legally binding, to decide – amongst other things – where new housing developments can be sited and the type and look of those homes.

A Neighbourhood Plan is Community led and we need volunteers from the Community to help create the Neighbourhood Plan by contributing your thoughts and ideas on what Styal should look like in the future. Your involvement would not be very time consuming and would only require you to attend occasional meetings and workshops.

Styal Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan Subgroup is in charge of developing the plan and there is now has a dedicated website on which you will find more information and a questionnaire which enables you to provide the group with your ideas and opinions on how a future Styal village should look.

For more information please click here


Please see the Meetings Page for more information

Find Out About the Latest Roadworks!

Visit the News page of this website to identify the latest proposed roadworks in the local area

Upcoming Events in Styal
Discover Styal
Got a Question


As a Parish we do have some unusual features, we are just south of one of the busiest Airports in Europe, we adjoin the busy towns of Wilmslow and Alderley Edge and yet we retain a really leafy ambiance surrounded by some very pleasant farm land including prize winning herds of cattle together with cereal crops and sheep to make Styal a quite unique location.

Styal-historyOur history dates back to well before 1780 but it was in 1784 that a mill was erected on the River Bollin and that Mill, in its significantly extended form, went on to provide work and homes for many of the Styal inhabitants  for many years with a Chapel, School and shops being added over the years. Amazingly all such are still in place and active to this very day. The short rows of two storied dwelling with cosy alleyways separating them are still thriving today and house many of our residents as part of the National Trust Site in what is now referred to as Quarry Bank Mill.

So, whether you are currently a resident or someone interested in our village, we hope you will find this web-site useful. Feel free to contact us, via the contact page, with any items, comments or issues that you feel are worthy of some action or consideration.

The paintings used throughout the site are by local artist Jacky Freeman. You can view more of her work here

The majority of the images used on this site are either by local photographers or kindly provided by Nick King –

click here to view current planning applications

click here to view current planning applications